NGADM Final Results
- INTRO = 2/2
--- Instantly amazing. This caught my ear right from the start and i was without doubt that i would love this song as well. Despite its apparent calm atmosphere, it climaxed well enough into the main section and transitioned seamlessly into the main melodies. Its a fantastic start to what would be a superb song. Good work!
- BLEND = 2/2
--- The blend and mix in your songs is always admirable. You always somehow manage to find a balance between such a wide variety of unconventianal instruments all of which are trying to gain dominance. The quality of the synths also helped a lot as they were used to their maximum potential. I love how all instruments just fit in together seamlessly, mixing together to create a big whole. Fantastic Work!
--- Smooth doesn't do your song justice. I am always amazed at how all your songs manage to flow almost perfectly from one section, without even a single major fault or mix up. The transitions where the music seemed to climax and then anticlimax again had great effect too, because it kept me on my toes waiting for the outro, which surprised me when it came. Overall, almost perfect as well!
- BASS (DEPTH) = 1/2
--- Unfortunately somehow lacking in this song. Even if the bass that was actually present was very well used, in some sections the song seemed to lack a degree of depth in the sense of other instruments such as pads which provided a strong backbone to the music. Once again, i'd suggest the use of some sort of secondary instruments palying different melodies to the main theme as this would definetely help with increasing the overal depth of the song. Still, pretty decent overall.
--- Fantastic work on this one. Everytime i listen to one of your songs, something original, and it always manages to catch my ear to a stunning degree. The constant change and variety in the song is superb, as it kept me interested to the very end. I even heard it a couple more times just to be sure i hadn't missed anything. Great work!
- DRUMS = 2/2
--- As always, these drums gave the song an even higher degree of quality, and when combined with the fantastic melodies you used, they make the song almost perfect. I am always impressed with the level of variety that you use in the drum patterns, as its sometimes easier to just use a singular loop. Good work!
- MELODIES = 3.5/4
--- The superb ambient atmosphere you set up with your melodies is always impressive. The themes seem to defy gravity and make you want to float up to the skyline. As i've already mentioned, a few secondary melodies in some sections would have aided the depth of the song, but other that, i'd say the melodic structure was almost flawless. Some minor faults, nevertheless brilliant. Superb work!
- OUTRO = 2/2
--- Even better than the introduction, because it left me hanging and wishing for more. I love how you mantained the level of variety right to the very end, along with the level of depth and the sheer power of the music. A great job all round especially on all that had to do with harmony and atmosphere, because those are simply fantastic. Nice work!
SCORE = 18/20 = 9/10
(See NGADM thread for full results)