
232 Audio Reviews

122 w/ Responses

NGADM Round 4

Impact, by SBB
Type: Song
Genre: Miscellaneous

- INTRO = 2/2
--- Instant wow factor. You definetely got off to a good start, because this instantly caught my ear. I could almost instantly tell that i was going to love

this song, and i was right. The sheer brilliance of the introduction, and how it climaxed into a fantastic middle part, might be only the start, but what a

start it is. Great job!

- BLEND = 2/2
--- As good as your previous songs, if not better, the blend of instruments in your songs is always something to admire. I love how all instruments just fit

in together superbly, mixing, intertwining and morphing from one thing to another. The fact that you somehow manage to find a balance between so many cool

instruments is also great, and the quality of the synths helped a lot. Great job on this one too!

--- Just smooth would probably be an understatement in this case. I loved how the song just flowed together from one section to another without so much as a

stutter or a break in the current. The transitions where the music seemed to pause had great effect too, because I for one, just couldn't believe that the

song had stopped, and was insanely relieved when it continued with something even better. Overall, almost perfect as well!

- BASS (DEPTH) = 1/2
--- Probably the only thing that was somewhat lacking in this song. I'm not saying that there wasn't any bass at all, on the contrary, the bass was used to

perfection, but in some sections the song seemed to lack a degree of depth. I'd suggest the use of some secondary instruments or melodies and maybe some

ambient pads to aid the whole deep feel thing. Still, good job nonetheless.

--- Definetely full marks for this one. It seems like everytime i listen to one of your songs, its something new, and yet it still mantains a degree of

familiarity with your previous submissions. The sheer variety and constant change in the song itself is also to be admired, as it kept me interested to the

very end, such that i had to listen to it a few more times so as to absorb everything. Great work!

- DRUMS = 2/2
--- Another great aspect of the song, these drums gave the song an even higher degree of quality, and when coupled to the insane melodies (see below) they

make the song all but perfect. The amount of variety in the drums is as high as the rest of the song, if not higher, and it definetely was one of the things

that made the song worthwhile to listen to. Good work!

- MELODIES = 3.5/4
--- One of the better highlights of the song, the melodies in this song are really catchy and relaxing. They sort of enter your soul (how dramatic) and make

you want to curl up and dream. In some sections, a few secondary melodies would have helped to make the song better, but these were few and far apart. Other

than that, i can't see anything else thats wrong with the melodies. Some minor faults, but overally brilliant. nice work!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 2.5/3
Bass = 1/2
Originality = 3/3
Drums = 2/2
Melodies = 3.5/4
Score = 18/20 = 9/10

Note: Hopefully you'll find these reviews a bit more helpful than the previous ones. Enjoy ;D


NGADM Round 4

Chiptune in my Pants, by dj-Nate
Type: Song
Genre: Miscellaneous

- INTRO = 2/2
--- Action packed and fun at the same time, this introduction got me interested right away, particularly with the interesting mix of orchestral and dubstep

along with a few sprinkles of chiptunes. I like how the song started off all tensiony and orchestral and then suddenly morphed into something completely

different. As an intro id say this is great, good work.

- BLEND = 2/2
--- As always, the blend in this song is as good as the other round's submissions. The mixture of orchestral, dubstep and chiptunes is your strong point

here, as the three genres somehow managed to co exist in such a great whole. All the instruments just fitted together, and that nice roaring bass only served

to make it better. The song just seemed to flow through the melodies right through to the end. Great work.

--- These were one of your weaker points, although they were still pretty decent. I didn't like how in some cases the song just skipped from orchestral to

dubstep and vice versa, particularly in the start, after the orchestral introduction. Other than that, the transitions from dubstep to chiptunes were almost

flawless, as they kept the flow of the music going, unlike the sudden orhcestral breaks which somehow seeemed to disrupt what was otherwise a great song.

Still, nice work, even if this aspect could use a bit more work.

- BASS (DEPTH) = 1.5/2
--- Overall, the song had plenty of layers of depth. The orchestral sections could've done with a bit more bass, maybe in the form of some deep strings, as

wel as possible some harmonizing secondary melodies. The dubstep sections were much better, with a ferocious bass that just roared through my speakers. The

great balancing of volumes was also stupendous, with just enough volume to punch the message through, but not too much to make it annoying. Overall, this

aspect was pretty decent. Good work.

--- Whatever you can say about this song, you definetely can't say that it's not original. There was a lot of constant variety in both melodies and drums,

and the mix of multiple genres helped to keep me interestd. In both sections, the great mixture of different melodies responding each other served to create

a great effect, while the short chiptune bits were a really great addition to the song. Brilliant work on this behalf.

- DRUMS = 2/2
--- One of the highlights of the song, the punchy kick on these was sheer brilliance. Coupled with the insane rhytm and the awesome glitchy beat, these drums

on their own almost made me want to get up and dance. Also, the fact that they were constantly changing, shifting into something new, made it all the better.

Even the drums in the orchestral bits were superb, even if they werent as good as the dubstep sections. Overall, great work on this aspect too.

- MELODIES = 2.5/4
--- Not bad, but they could've been better. Starting from the orchestral parts, the staccato strings were good on their own, but they could have used more of

a backbone in the form of a secondary melody or bass melody. The dubstep parts were much better, with much more of a deep feel to them. The chiptunes were

short and sweet, with a decent enough melody to let them continue the flow of the song. Overall, not bad, but could've been better.

- OUTRO = 2/2
--- Even better than the introduction, because it left me hanging and wishing for more. I love how you mantained the level of variety right to the very end,

along with the level of depth and the sheer power of the music. A great job all round. Nice work!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 2/3
Bass = 1.5/2
Originality = 3/3
Drums = 2/2
Melodies = 2.5/4
Score = 17/20 = 8.5/10

Note: Hopefully you'll find these reviews a bit more helpful than the previous ones. Enjoy ;D


NGADM Round 3

Perfect is an understatement. I can't believe how well you managed to mix in the two completely different genres to produce something this great. The balance between classical and dubstep never gets overthrown, and i can say that it worked perfectly. The introduction instantly set it off with a glorious sense of expectation with that nice use of the piano. When the wobbly bass came in, i was almost thrown over at the sheer power of drum and bass blending together like that. The transitions were smooth as heck, and never blocked up the flow of the music. The effects were also well used, particularly the panning, as it served to give the music a three dimensional feel. The outro served a double cause, as it closed off the piece decently and also looped fairly well with the start. Overall, great job on all accounts. Nice work!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 3/3
Bass = 2/2
Originality = 2.5/3
Drums = 2/2
Melodies = 3.5/4
Score = 19/20 = 9.5/10

Note: You guys know why i'm doing this...


NGADM Round 3

Not your best. Compared to some of the crap we hear on Newgrounds these days, this is still a piece of genius, but when compared to your previous tracks, this falls sadly short. Don't get me wrong, its still got the makings of a superb track, it just lacks that final touch of detail and finesse that your other tracks had. Still, the glitch effects that you're so good at didn't diminish in any way, and the sick bass was almost perfect in its use, if a bit faint in some instances. The drums are great for starters, but they got a tad repetitive as the song progressed as did the main melody, which also got a bit overpowered by the rest of the instruments in some cases. All in all, i think that the lack of variety in drums and melodies is what bugged me most about this song, because the production, the execution and the quality are all almost perfect. Overall, some faults, but good job nonetheless.

Intro = 1.5/2
Outro = 1.5/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 3/3
Bass = 2/2
Originality = 2/3
Drums = 1.5/2
Melodies = 3.5/4
Score = 17/20 = 8.5/10

Note: You guys know why i'm doing this...


NGADM Round 3

Very nice. Variety is the strong point of this piece, right down to the time signature, you changed mostly everything; melodies, drums, backgrounds, rhytm. I can't say that it worked perfectly everywhere, but it certainly was a nice break from hearing some melody repeated over and over again. The transitions in general were fine, even if there were a lot of them. The first time signature change wasnt executed quite so well, but you picked up superbly after that, with a nice cross between dubsteph and glitch. As for the blend, the music is definetely nicely laid out, the atmosphere you created is great and eerily creepy. It might have used a tad bit of a stronger bass, but other than that you did a great job in this department. The outro was slightly abrupt, but nevertheless you've got a great track here, keep up the good work!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 1.5/2
Blend = 1.5/2
Transitions = 2.5/3
Bass = 1.5/2
Originality = 3/3
Drums = 1.5/2
Melodies = 3.5/4
Score = 17/20 = 8.5/10

Note: You guys know why i'm doing this...


NGADM Round 3

Not bad at all. Once again, you succeeded superbly in making the song very very energetic. The whole thing was a whole symphony of noise, wild guitars and stupendous drums. The intro instantly set off with a nice fast-paced rhytm, which you mantained quite well for the whole song. Tansitions in general were great, as were the melodies, although these got a bit repetitive at some parts. The transition into the main section was particularly great, with a good drum beat to help it along. Drums throughout most of the song were great, as they provided a nice backdrop for the music to rely on. As for Blend, the instruments blended together quite well, and there wasn't any dominance for power as is often the case with such genres. Outro was awesome as well. Overall, great song, loads of potential, keep it up!

Intro = 1.5/2
Outro = 1.5/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 2.5/3
Bass = 2/2
Originality = 2.5/3
Drums = 2/2
Melodies = 3/4
Score = 17/20 = 8.5/10

Note: You guys know why i'm doing this...


HighBallers responds:

thanks you brah

NGADM Round 3

Very nice indeed. This is a great song, extremely catchy,extremely calm and relaxing. Even though it was a bit bland in terms of instrumentation in some cases, especially in the background instruments, this song has everything you want in a song. The intro and outro were both great, with both packing just enough of a climax and an anticlimax respectively to make the flow of the song superb. Melodies were varied throughout, and in general there was a great sense of variety in most aspects of the song. Transitions were mostly smooth as heck, so no problems there. Drums are much better this time, as they got varied and original and yet managed to mantain a regular backdrop for the piece.So basically, the only thing i can complain about is the slight lack of depth, which ive already commented on before. Other than that, great song, loads of potential, keep it up!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 3/3
Bass = 1/2
Originality = 2.5/3
Drums = 1.5/2
Melodies = 4/4
Score = 18/20 = 9/10

Note: You guys know why i'm doing this...


NGADM Round 3

Epic buildup, Epic Music. This is Genius, i can't say anymore. From magnificent introduction, to suspenseful ending, this piece deserves every piece of praise it can get. The thing i love most about this piece is that it never gets boring, now matter how many times you listen to it. The sheer amount of variety in the background, the drums, the melodies; it just blows your mind. The drums are a bit repetitive in some cases, but nothing to horrendous, so it doesn't make much of a difference. The effects make it even greater, with so much change going on in the different levels of music that you'd have to listen to this for eternity to understand it completely. I particularly liked how the outro just faded out and left the listener curious as to how it could have continued, how it could have gone on. Overall, i can say, that this song is as close to perfect as you can get. Great job!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 2.5/3
Bass = 2/2
Originality = 2.5/3
Drums = 1.5/2
Melodies = 3.5/4
Score = 18/20 = 9/10

Note: You guys know why i'm doing this...


Very very nice.

Quite fast paced an energetic, its got a nice mood to it, even if the song is a bit empty at some instances. Especially during some transitions, which apart from some cut off ones, were mostly good. The instrument samples are of a high quality at least, and they were used to their own capability quite well, with nothing trying to compete against everything else. The melodies at some moments really made me bob my head, i have to admit, and despite this being a trance song, its about as varied as you can get, with little to no repetition throughout. The drums as well, were well used and gave the song a second depth, nice work. Unfortunately, you had to spoil all this with a pretty abrupt outro, and i can't even say that it looped well, because the music just suddenly cut off. Still, besides this, this is a very good song, with a lot of potential and a great use of melodic harmony. Nice work!

Intro = 2/2
Outro = 0/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 2.5/3
Bass = 2/2
Originality = 3/3
Drums = 2/2
Melodies = 3.5/4
Score = 17/20 = 8.5/10

Note: This is your review from the NGADM Round 2 and as always im posting it here for your convenience.


mr-jazzman responds:

Yeah. Honestly I really didn't care, and I think it came out in this one. That's why Highballers won, and I'm not surprised. I'm actually GLAD he won, because I really need to focus on other things atm. I've got an album coming along that should blow this shit out of the water. Thanks for giving me an honest review besides!

Erik Scerri @Echo

Age 29, Male

Audio Artist

St.Aloysius Sixth Form


Joined on 9/14/09

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