Like i said, the originality is what highlights this piece. It kept me interested right to the end, between a decent introduction and a fair outro. The glitchy effects were well worked out, and nothing skipped the limit of annoying. Drums were nice and original and kept out a nice rhytm for the whole piece. More blend would have made this better, and transitions could've used some more work too. Some cool climaxes worked well though and kept up a nice atmosphere throughout the piece. Not much of a melody line, but thats alright considering the genre (which basically states that you can do whatever the hell you want :P). Overall, a decent piece, interesting, but could use more work.
This is a really good piece in my book, its got everything you need for a great piece, originality, atmosphere and superb melodies. I particularly like the variety of instruments playing throughout the piece, especially in the intro; which has a very calm feel. The eventual build up was great, with a nice transition into the modulated central section. I especially liked the guitar like instrument used in most of the song, as it gave some great depth. Drums however were the weak point in this. They could have used more work, and a more original drum line always makes the song much more interesting. On the top side though, you ended the piece off with a great outro, so plus points to you ;). Overall, a great song. You've got lots of potential in this genre. Good work!
The intro was a great start off, it caught my attention instantly. It had a brilliant build up and a fair amount of depth. The transition into the main section was superb, with a nice smooth switch. Drum work however, is sadly lacking. At the start its just basically a kick, nothing more, nothing less. Now this would be fine if it became something else, but it stayed this way for most of the whole song. Another thing i noticed was that the same melody was repeated several times before it modulated and changed, and this got a bit repetitive in some sections. The outro was however pretty well worked out, with a nice cut off to the music. Overall, this is a decent piece, its got potential, but more work, espceially on the drums, would make is a lot better.
That is simply great. Instant epicness, action and excitement. Id have to say that this is one of your best songs, if not your very best. The drums, the melodies, the atmosphere, wow, just wow.
Intro was instantly great, with a melody that just didnt let your thoughts catch up with reality. It managed to be as fast and action packed as possible, while still mantaining a great sense of depth and atmoshpere. Id have to say that the deep chords with the bass helped a tonne with that, and the harmonizing piano later on did an even job at mantaining a constant sense of greatness.
As always, the transitions were smooth as heck, with no glitches that i could find anywhere. The music just flowed insistently, climaxing, anticlimaxing, going calm for a few secs, suddenly bursting back into action. Thats the mark of any great piece of music. Originality was also something to be admired, although for the sake of being as harsh as i can, id have to say that some of the melodies repeated themselves, but the fact that you provided different backgrounds and drums for each repetition seemed to negate this effect. Speaking of drums, those are probably some of the best drums ive heard in a long time. I cant understand how you manage to vary the drums with every bar, somehow attaining a sense of originality that is way above any mortal standards. The use of effects throughout was brilliantly planned out, with no effect that was overused or used in a bad area. Outro was simpyl superb, and it just left me there, stunned, with my mouth hanging wide open, not believing that i had actually heard something as brilliant as that.
Overall, i really cant find anything that's completely wrong with this. Intro is great, fast and with an instant mood set up. Outro is just as great, with a brilliant fade out. Blend is simply superb, with amazing Bass and fantastic harmonizing.Transitions were smooth, Drums were sublime and Originality was off the hook. The only thing i could really find that had a slight inkling of something that annoyed me were the slight repetions of the melodies, but other then that, this is just one heck of a masterpiece. Now, if you'll excuse me, i have to go after my dreams. They're waiting, just over the next cloud. ;)
Im pretty sure ive heard the intoducing melody from somewhere, although by the third bar that had all changed so i guess u either did it by mistake or ur really good at copying melodies :P.
No srsly, this is a brilliant song, a fantastic mood and depth set it off with some really cool textures adding to the overall harmonization. I liked the fact that the melody morphed a bit throughout, although it didnt do this much and as such tended to get slightly boring in some parts.
Drumz were simply great with a nice touch of variety and skill to top it all off. The also were just the right volume and didnt overpower the melodies but could still be heard. Nice work.
Nice work at giving Supersteph54 all the credit he deserves (which admittedly isn't much :P). The melody isnt bad, but it does get a bit annoying after a while, and the lack of background depth throughout didnt help much.
Drumz arent bad, with a nice touch of variety every now and then, and a decent build up. Id suggest morphing into some new melodies and put in new drums and rolls and stuff which ultimately makes ur song better.
Intro was decent, as was the outro, although that was slightly a bit abrupt. Other then that id suggest adding more depth everywhere with pads, basses and strings and stuff.
Sorry for the half assed review but im really tired...
...That was awesome :D (Hey! I like bananas! Wth?? >[)
Anywayz, enough about awesome fruit. To the song, its cool, its fast, its trancey, its the best song in the world, moving on. (heck my reviews are awesome)
Intro was cool, with a real cool start and an awesome kick to start off with bang, the quick melody thingy was awesome, but it sorta reminded me a bit too much of Chaoz Fantasy (not in notes, but in structure). I loved the transition into the main section, with those real cool drumz. These could've been a bit more powerful in some areas though, as they got overpowered a bit in some sections.
As for the interludes, i loved the first one, with those mixed up melodies overlappin each other perfectly, i mean u actually got the harmonizing right this time :O (<=lol sarcasm :P).
As for atmosphere, it sure as hell reminded me of a kinda race through space, with that sort of "To hell with physics, i do what i want" feel, if u get what i mean (u probably dont)
The best part in my opinion was the piano interlude with a cool piano melody and a real nice transition into the main section again. What i would have liked in this part would have been a synth or something in the background to give it more depth, but its still real cool like that.
I also liked the outro, but it was a bit too abrupt for my tastes.
Overall, i was almost tempted to give u a nine for this (to ruin ur RRC dream thingy and whatnot :P) but then i noticed that it had looped like 9 times without me noticing so yeah, a ten it is :D
"...That was awesome :D (Hey! I like bananas! Wth?? >[)"
"Anywayz, enough about awesome fruit. To the song, its cool, its fast, its trancey, its the best song in the world, moving on. (heck my reviews are awesome)"
Keep on dreamin'.
Nah joking, thanks for the compliments :D. I doubt you actually think it's the best song in the world though :P.
"Intro was cool, with a real cool start and an awesome kick to start off with bang, the quick melody thingy was awesome, but it sorta reminded me a bit too much of Chaoz Fantasy (not in notes, but in structure)."
Guh, I'm tired of hearing about PX9 lol. Glad you liked the kick in the intro, I think it really set off the mood.
"I loved the transition into the main section, with those real cool drumz. These could've been a bit more powerful in some areas though, as they got overpowered a bit in some sections."
Yeah I like that transition too :P.
Getting the volume of the drums right is tricky, since in some sections they almost overpower the melody, and in others they're too quiet, so if I simply turn the volume up of each drum, they'll overpower in some sections and sound fine in others. I'll need the patience to automate its volume in a really long automation clip, or enough patience to edit each drum velocity, and trust me, I have neither :P.
"As for the interludes, i loved the first one, with those mixed up melodies overlappin each other perfectly, i mean u actually got the harmonizing right this time :O (<=lol sarcasm :P)."
Shut up :P.
"As for atmosphere, it sure as hell reminded me of a kinda race through space, with that sort of "To hell with physics, i do what i want" feel, if u get what i mean (u probably dont)"
Yeah I get what you mean. IDC about physics xD.
"The best part in my opinion was the piano interlude with a cool piano melody and a real nice transition into the main section again. What i would have liked in this part would have been a synth or something in the background to give it more depth, but its still real cool like that."
Really glad you liked the transition into the main section, I worked particularly on that. As for the lack of a synth, actually there is a synth after the third repetition of the piano, a sort of square synth or something, but I suppose you must mean a pad, and if you mean that, yeah I know the piano solo lacks depth because of that, but as I said in the description, imagine that the more elements you're hearing in the song, the more matter/stars/planets are whizzing past you, and in the piano solo I imagined you slowing down and everything becoming a blur, so basically that emptiness in the piano solo was intentional.
"I also liked the outro, but it was a bit too abrupt for my tastes."
Abrupt? Not too sure what you mean by that, fade endings aren't usually abrupt.
"Overall, i was almost tempted to give u a nine for this (to ruin ur RRC dream thingy and whatnot :P) but then i noticed that it had looped like 9 times without me noticing so yeah, a ten it is :D"
Yayz! Thanks for the awesome review man, you rock!
I promised that id review back to anyone who reviewed me so heres my review:
I liked the cool build up on the intro, with a nice transition into the main section. Id have liked a bit more of a bass and maybe a few more chords in the background for this part cos its a bit empty for my tastes.
As for the main section, an interesting choice of instruments, and the drumz were cool too. U kept a nice rhytm without making it feel too dance-ish, good job. The melody could have been a bit more varied though, but seeing as this is a vid game loop this may not be such a big deal.
I loved the interlude and the way it just meshed perfectly back into another cool melody. I also liked the sort of calmish section at the end which then looped back into the intro. It looped perfectly too so nice work on that part.
Overall, this is one heck of a song, with only some minor defects. Ill keep an eye out for ur songs ;)
Wow! Well, thank you very much for taking the time to be so thorough. That's the most thorough review I've had to date. I'll keep an eye out for your subs as well :).
Hm...not bad. Its not a bad song. Definetely goes well with the genre.The drumz are sublime and the kick had that nice punchy feel to it. The drums could have been louder though, as the snare was barely heard and the kick was a bit too faint. I liked the pads u used, although im not a particular fan of that wobbly synth, as it had too much of a wobble if u know waht i mean. Other then taht, most of the melodies were varied and well played out, with a great original structure. I also liked the slight glitchy sound u put on some of the synths, as i simply adore anything that has to do with glitchy-ness (<-New word! WOOT!) and whatnot. As for the vocals, i didnt exactly get what they said, but it sounded good, and provided a perfect transition into the next part, so good job on that part. I didnt particularly like the outro though, cos it was a bit too abrupt. I think that this would have served better as a loop, or at least a cool fade out at the end. Overall however, its a decent song that deserves a decent score.
Score = 8/10
-Review Request Club-
P.S Your judging reviews from the NGADM G2 Round 4.
I see whatchya mean about the snare (I don't know why this is currently, as I tried to fill out its sound, but I'm thinkin it has to do with a combo of things that I'm gonna look into). However, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "too faint" for the kick, as most everyone else who commented on the kick said it was TOO loud, especially in the beginning that totally ruined the atmosphere (which I was totally unaware of through my headphones/laptop speakers...something about producing songs on laptops makes a difference!); if you mean that the kick lacks enough treble punch, I suppose I can understand this, but I'm just saying, I'm not entirely sure what you mean about the kick being too faint atm. I'm not entirely sure, also, by what you mean by "too wobbly"; that's kind of the genre, if you've listened to dubstep at all lol, as the genre's cornerstone is getting that bass filthy and tearing. And if by glitchy you're referring to the smooth sine lead that I used to fill out the sound, then I'm particularly glad you paid attention to this, because I love it too! (It reminds me of Metroid music a bit =P)...or, rather do you mean what I did with the bass at the end? (I wish you had been more specific lol!) The vocals said "Let's try something else," which came from Linkin Park's "Cure for the Itch," as I explained in the Author's Comments above; however, these words were meant to be difficult to hear, as they acted more as a percussive instrument rather than a full-blown vocal part (and plus, they allowed for the transition to take hold). Yes, and the ending is awkward because this is a WIP, as it's all I had time for (aka, "Work in Progress," one of the main reasons that I put it in the title so that people could judge according to what it sounds like atm). Thanks, though, for your review, as it will definitely help me fill out my percussion for this song in the future, when I decide to deal with it again (after about 1000 times listening to it on your own, it gets kind of old lol). =)