-Review Request Club-
Very good job with this. Considering you did most of it yourself, it was quite good in a simple manner. The backgrounds were good too and u didn't put in too mcuh eye catching stuff which would divert attention away from the main characters. Good job.
As for animation, it was fairly varied. The two people did a variety of different things which were smooth and had no hiccups although they did skip in ceratin places.
All in all, not bad but could've been better.
It was a very original concept. This is the first Music Video for this song that i've seen. A very good work in terms of storyline and couldn't have been much more varied. It really looks like you put lots of work into this and you desreve every high point you get. Nice work
Audio was great. Not too loud, not too soft. At a great pitch and quite funny too..
A great work, i'd recomend this to anyone who'd liek to spend a few minutes grinning at a computer screen showing two old people killing everythign modern thing they find. Nice work on the mall destruciton btw...
-Review Request Club-