This song is pure brilliant. Amzing work.
Intro was great. It instantly estabilshed the mood of the piece and the instant bang of sound nearly knocked me off my chair lol. Great work.
Melodies were fantastic too. You used a whole lot of varied and interlocking patterns which blended in very well together to produce a fantastic final result. Background depth was also fantastic. There's basically no way you could improve the background as its jsut fantastic as it is.
I liked the way u used the vocals but although they contributed a lot to the final result, they could have used a bit more of an emotion seeing as this is such a fast paced song.
Outro was great too. I liked the reverb kick u used at the end. It really finished off the piece with bang. Purely great.
Other then the vocals, i really can't think of another thing that u could improve. Great work.
-Review Request Club-