
232 Audio Reviews

122 w/ Responses


This song is pure brilliant. Amzing work.

Intro was great. It instantly estabilshed the mood of the piece and the instant bang of sound nearly knocked me off my chair lol. Great work.

Melodies were fantastic too. You used a whole lot of varied and interlocking patterns which blended in very well together to produce a fantastic final result. Background depth was also fantastic. There's basically no way you could improve the background as its jsut fantastic as it is.

I liked the way u used the vocals but although they contributed a lot to the final result, they could have used a bit more of an emotion seeing as this is such a fast paced song.

Outro was great too. I liked the reverb kick u used at the end. It really finished off the piece with bang. Purely great.

Other then the vocals, i really can't think of another thing that u could improve. Great work.

-Review Request Club-

SessileNomad responds:

yeah the vocals could have been used more, but im not a good singer, mabye if i find someone in real life to sing for me, ill make a more vocal oriented track, but for now my skills lie in the notes of music

peace out dude, thanks for review, ill respond to your review with a review later, im busy alot these days


Brilliant work Man!

This is a great and soothign piece of music.

Intro was great and it provided a nice build up to the main melody. it also looped well with the outro. There was basically no discernible skip from outro to intro. It just continued smoothly which is the sign of a great loop.

Main melodies were awesome. Soothing and calm. They weren't overpowering and were interesting to any kind of user. I can imagine this ina video game easily. Just name any calm forest scene and this music comes to mind.

Background depth was simply perfect. Background bass and isntruments blended well with the main melody and that is what i look for in any song. Nice work.

Overall, this is a grea song. In just three songs u've made it to my favourites list. Nice work ;)

-Review Request Club-

Cosmos8942 responds:

Soothing...that certainly works even though I really didn't aim for anything in particular with this one. Anywho...

The introduction of this one I really enjoy simply because it flows from one base instrument to another. Namely a string-ish instrument to a wind-like instrument and does it in just a way that if you are not paying attention you might not notice (which I love...gotta do that to more of my remixes). The loop itself was unintended but worked out in the end (as you stated clearly), but unintended or not I'll take what is given to me hehe.

On the main melodies; Yep, the original had a very unique feel to it which hugely supported the structure of the games setting that this piece was played in (which were, I believe, the Demon Doors. Special doors that always had something valuable behind them...that is, of course if you could get to it.) I simply wish I had a better choir sample to use here. The one I used is all fine and dandy but sounds slightly midi-ish and just barely sounds off with all the other tracks. Heh, maybe its just me though =/.

Here's an interesting fact, the bass that you hear was the result of a misplaced note (I sneezed...wtf can I say lol). It was the only note down there and I didn't even notice it, that is until I played it through (it was originally a half-note that actually slid into some quarter-notes that I had already placed higher up on the scale. Once the bar hit the half-note and then the quarters I realized that the half sounded better and decided to round it off. What you hear is the final result of that...interesting feat of Mother Nature.)


I'm glad that I made it to your favorite artists list. Just by the way you word it I'm guessing that that is something to be proud of XD.

Not a bad job...

This a good loop. Well thought out and portrayed. With varied melodies and alternate backgrounds which blended in together to produce a nice piece of music.

Personally, i hate it when people who make loops bring up the excuse that its a loop just to make it less varied. U proved that it can be a loop and still be varied. Nice job.

Transitions were good too. The only thing i can complain about is the fact that it didn't loop too well. There's too much of a skip from outro to intro. Another thing too, the volume was way too low. Try and tune it up abit. It'll be better to listen to.

Overall, this isn't a bad job. Nice work and great melodies. Just take care of those couple of things i mentioned.

-Review Request Club-

SymbolCymbal responds:

i did a very lazy job on this track. i literally just slammed it together by jamming on keyboard and adding synths and effects. im very glad you liked the variances i used with melody and background. but unfortunately i didn't take much time to work on where this thing would go and how it could get back to the beginning.

Thank for the review :)

Great Remix..

Like my fellow RRC members i haven't palyed this game before but i still liked the music.

As u said, what's the point of a remix that is nothing like the original? I completely agree with u there.

Intro was great and although this is a sort of 8-bit song, instruments sounded very video gameish and they blended in well with each other.

Main melodies and transitions were smooth and blended well with the background. It provided a very Mario Game feel to it which is basically what u wanted to do.

Outro wasn't bad too and basically i ahve nothing to complain about so, like Chrono Trigger, i'm just gonna give u the ten u deserve and to heck with the rest ;)

-Review Request Club-

Cosmos8942 responds:

Agreed! WOOT! Exactly what I mean. If you create a remix of say...the new "Fireflies" song by 'Owl City' and you don't have the dreamelectrotechno effect feeling that the guy used but rather use something that sounds good but loses the effect of the song overall...well...what the heck is the point?

That is the reason alot of people remix Mario pieces because, for the most part, it is easy to remix a Mario song and still keep the same feeling, that and just about any instrument combination sounds good with most NES/SNES games haha.

But once again it falls under the fact that you HAVE to keep some of the original feel. I could have remade ALL the instruments and even found new samples here and there just to 'modernize' the song a bit. But what is the point of that? Keeping some of the nostalgia and forking in loads of decent samples with some modernization qualities really adds to the piece overall AND makes it sound better in the end. What can I say, I'm somewhat old school that way :o.


But in the end this piece was a fun one and I wouldn't mind going back to do its little brother. It so happens I was working on that and hit a large wall that I couldn't seem to vault on over. Perhaps someday I'll be getting back to it, might even use a revised version of the percussion heard here in that one. Or maybe not...I don't know.......... :[


Intro started off brilliantly, and it continued on to a perfect melody structure and melody transition progression.

Melodys were great, and although i've never played this game before i can imagine this in an RPG game easily.

Basically, there isn't anything for me to criticise so i'll jsut go ahead and give u a ten and simply say that this is a fantastic job overall. Nice work.

-Review Request Club-

Cosmos8942 responds:

Oh I do like how this starts out. Minus a point for how long the intro strings were but that is easily overlooked. The piece itself transgressed alot like the original I just added my own flavor to it overall....I think it worked...kinda x.x.

The game itself has a great number of fantastic set pieces designed by Nobuo Uematsu (he helped anywho <-composer for most of the Final Fantasy games btw) and another guy that I always forget the name of. Very very good music for its time and still is a good listen. Sets the pace incredibly well, I can't even get close to doing it justice.

Nothing to crit.? Oh I could think of a couple things, but I'll let the best lay to rest hehe.


Rawr, yet another review by you very effecient people.

Cool song...

Wow man. That guy down below must really hate you. Giving u a two just cos u did taht to him lol. Nice response btw, u totally pwned him lol...

well, about the song. I don't normally like classical songs but this definetely deserved my nine. Its simply great. Intro was fantastic, taht's a bassoon right? its way improved from the first one. Much much better.

Main melody was good too. the clarinet or whatever it was blended in well with the background and provided an interesting piece of music to listen too.

Outro was still the fade though so u should arrange that. Normally orchestral pieces finsih with a bang so u could somehow modify it to do taht maybe? Dunno, jsut an opinion.

Overall, its better then the first one but it still needs work. Not a bad classical piece and it got the nine it deserved,

-Review Request Club-

loansindi responds:

Hey, thanks for the review.

I'm really hoping to 'finish' this one, so I will eventually properly address the ending.

I'm glad you enjoyed it man.


This is simply amazing. Ican't believe how you get ur songs to blend together so well. This is just simply fantastic..

Intro was great. I especially liked the fact that u introduced new melodies and instruments every couple of patterns. This contributed to making the whole thing even more interesting and enjoyable.

Transition into the main melody was great, with any other transitions throughout being simply fantastic and smooth as ice. Melodies went from one to the other without any skips or hiccups and this got ur score even higher.

Background was brilliant. I can't find anything to complain about the depth of the song. Bass was fantastic and instruments in the background blended in brilliantly with the foreground, making sure they didn't overpower the main melody. Nice work..

The one thing which i didn't like is the outro though. In my opinion you could've done some sort of fade out instead of just cutting it off abruptly like that. Honestly, i thought my speakers had gone dead (its not like they have a lot of life left in them anyway) but then the song started again and i figured out that that was some kind of ending.

Don't take me wrong, this is a fantastic piece of music and u only got a nine because of the outro and if u fixed that my ten is yours ...

-Review Request Club-

Not badly thought out.. Good work...

...Well, ur probably sick of hearing this, but what i really didn't like were the intro and the outro whcih, in my opinion, spoiled the effect of the whole thing...

On the other hand, the concept was good. Melodies were well thought out and implemented to their full effect. they weren't very repetitive too, but the patterns did repeat a couple of times in some parts.

Transitions were great too, smooth and well played, the song moved on from one part to another with out a lot of hiccups which u normally hear in amateur songs (luckily ur not an amatuer...hm...;P)...

Background was a bit lacking though in some parts. U could use something else in the backgorund in my opinion. it would add more depth to the whole thing and though i know that c minor is hard to work with (hehe...i'm grade 7 theory...) i still think something else would've helped.

Outro was bad. Not too bad mind, but not good either. U definetely need to arrange that...

Otherwise, it was an overall enjoyable piece which got my attention in some particular parts. I can imagine it being used in the credits of film. Don't ask me why, i jsut felt it seemed to belogn there. Anyway. Nice work, keep it up!!!

-Review Reqeust Club-

Step responds:

Credits of a film? Cool. Man, I am sick hearing it. -.- Well, I can assure you, they're both fixed. Intro now has a clock ticking (slow to fast) in the background, strings fading in and out, more reverb, and a delay on the piano, whilst the outro has more clock ticking (fast to slow) and then it does a ritardando before playing the ending chord. As for the repetition, I'll see what I can do to remove it. Probably the repetitive part you're talking about is when the song went to a slow, laid-back rythm. I may add some high bells, a piano or maybe change the notes a little more. Yes, Darklight, I am NOT amateur. >( You may refer to me as 'Super Ultimate Producing ExtraoRdinaire (SUPER for short :P)'. Lol JK, I am an amateur :'(. What I could add as background is a bass, not fully sure though. Outro, as already stated, is fixed. Anyway, thanks a bunch for the review, I now know what to fix s'more XD.



It definetely starts off great, with the fast piano catching your attention immiedetely adn that sort of whirly cosmic sound which fades away provided an interesting background for the first second or two, making sure taht the intro wasn't too abrupt.

After that, the song just keeps getting better. Transition into the main melody was simply perfect and the transitions throughout the rest of the song were even better.

I especially liked the fact taht u introduced constrasting patterns which made it more interesting to hear. I liked the part which starte aroun 1:24 most, it really provided a great interlude and break from the fast melody which started off the song.

The build up from that point was then great, with harmon excelling even though it is a techno song. The choir and the background instruments blended in brilliantly with the main melody and foreground.

Drumloops weren't repetitive either, and they were as great as they can get, providing an interesting beat and rythm.

One thing which really got my head spinning was the awesome panning. I mean, i listened to this with headphones and it was exactly like the melody was whirling around in my head, carrying my brain along in an eternal dance (dramatic huh?)...

The ending was a bit too abrupt though, but still, all you could do there was end it with a bit more of a bang. I don't think you should use a fade out cos u already used a fade in in the beginning. Still, that's jsut an opinion and its only a minor thing to improve...

Honestly, this is great. If this is unpolished, then i can't wait to hear what polisjhed sounds like cos this has already blown my mind. with songs like this, you just keep confirming that i did the right thing by putting you up high on my favourites list...

-Review Request Club-

ErikMcClure responds:

Yeah people don't like the outro but its difficult to figure out how to fix it. Thanks for the review :D

Wow...that is loud...

I read fro's review and said...how loud could it really start? i turned up the volume and started it and BLAM. The sound hit me like a sledgehammer. Honestly, i'm surprised taht my speakers didn't explode :P

Still, although its short, its a great loop, i could imagine it in the menu for an action game or something.

It loops quite well and continues well throughout, even if its only 37 secs long.

Maybe you could continue this, it definetely would sound great...

-Review Request Club-

Erik Scerri @Echo

Age 29, Male

Audio Artist

St.Aloysius Sixth Form


Joined on 9/14/09

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