
232 Audio Reviews

122 w/ Responses

Not a bad job at all...

it definetely started off great and it kept me hooked to the end, which was a bit strange and discordant. The sound effect at the end sounded like a constipated elephant, if you'll forgive my word choice ;)

The piano solo was good, although it did get a it repetitive throughout. Background depth was great, as was the instrument choice, tehy all blended in well.

All in all, its a good piece of work.

-Review Request Club-

Hmm,,,it's a bit repetitive don't you think?

Like Fro said, it just seemed to repeat itself again, and again and again and again. At the beginning it seemed to be gearing up to be quite good but then it kept on repeating.

To me it doesn't exactly portray the image of a mountain top, it sounds more like a mediavel village to me. Dunno bout you, but maybe you need to change the name a bit.

The sound quality wasn't taht great too. But seeing as its an old song, i'll forgive you for it.

All in all, it set up a good atmosphere and background was quite good too. Not a bad job.

-Review Request Club-

Not a bad attempt...

The intro was great, it really caputred a sad and abondoned feel which instantly makes you feel like you're alone. As haggard noted, the atmosphere in this was great.

What i didn't realyl like was the voice, not to offend your singing skills or anything, but it wasn't exactly great. I didn't really understand most of the lyrics too. Something about elder gods and whispering was all i could understand.

You need more background to this too, maybe a few ominous strings could help. Although the guitar is great.

Not a bad job, keep it up.

-Review Request Club-

"Cool Song! Review Mine!"

Lol, don't wry, i'm planning on giving u a little more detail than that.

Well, nowadays you don't often hear classical songs, and definetely not so many as good ones as this. The intro was great adn the effects you added there were amazing. The rain sounded more like a tap dripping though, but the thunder was pretty realistic.

I liked the transitions throughout. They were basically smooth, moving from one piece to another very well.

what i didn't particularly like was the lack of background depth you had. You definetely need some strings or a bass in the background or a song doesn't sound quite so interesting.

Although you did a pretty good job with the melody, it got a bit repetitive in some parts. I suggest that you add a bit more variety to it, even if its a remix you can still add new parts. (look at my Reverb-X, i added loads of new parts from the original).

Overall, its a pretty good job. Well thought out and played. U used pretty good samples, which always helps, and it doesn't sound liked you used presets, which doesn't make it generic. Good job. :)

-Review Request Club-

P.S. I hope u don't think this is a "Cool song, review mine." Type of review." ;)

Lublub194 responds:

Hmmm, Thanks for the review, but...

Where you say I lack bass, I have it indeed. It's what fades in in the beginning, and it's present through most of the song. In the opening I had it fade out to let the piano have it's way. - If you know what I'm saying by that.

I have already altered the melody quite a bit, yet I'm sure there's room for more. I'm pretty sure I'm done with this piece, as I already have posted a different version of it.

I actually used some presets in this, but I tweaked them alot with reverb, delay, a mild mild distortion.

- Lublub194 :D

And no. I didn't think it was :P


Not as good as the others definetely. This was quite a disappointment when comapred too the others.

Just a tip, normally making a whole song out of only sound effects is not a very good idea. You need some kind of melody, otherwise its too abstract and the listener loses interest quickly.

There were some pretty good sound effects in there though. maybe you could take a couple of these and put them in any future songs. Sound effects always help in terms of depth.

Not much to say about this. Its not your best although u did fine in terms of sound effects...

-Review Request Club-

Monkeydelic responds:

I understand completely, it is after all 6 minutes with the same chords repeated.
I made this song after listening to Monster Magnets Tab.....25, so i didn't bother putting to much work into the melody, as i just wanted to play around with effects.

Thanks for the review:)


Very, very good!

But still, i haven't given you a ten :D (Aren't I evil??). Sry but there were some things i noticed which got you the nine...

Intro was great and well thought out, providing the main melody with a starting climax. Liked the way that the main melody faded into the song and took over from the starting intro melody. Transition here was overally smooth although i'm not a particular fan of that small silence you put in the beginnin.

Instrument variation was were u lost the point. In my opinion, you used the same instrument too much and although you may argue that this is what is expeted from a video game song, you still could've included more 8-bit isntruments...

Variety was pretty good too. The interludes you put in some parts of the song provided it with enough variety to make the listener crave for more (and take my advice...that's a good thing).

Background music was fine, the song had pretty good blend and the depth of the whole thing was great too. i liked the alienish sound effects you put into some parts. they gave the whole thing a good video game feel.

Another thing i didn't like though was the ending. It cut off too abruptly and elft you scratching your head and saying "That's it?!?!". Maybe you could work on that ;)

Overall, it was pretty good. I can honestly picture myself hearing this as i play a video game wher i'm trying to run away from a beastie. Very fast-paced rythm. Good work!

-Review Request Club-

Box-Killa responds:

Yep it is a vg song :D Thanks

Much variets, The ending was rushed I suppose, or I ran out of inspiration. Maybe I should have released it later,

I never usually change my song after it has been submitted, although I should. Maybe in 2 years later I might go change everything, but I would have probably deleted the .fla's by then :D

Love it...

I've always been into ambient music but seriously, u don't hear many with this quality of music.

Intro was great. The music faded into the main melody perfectly, showing the true art of what it means to be an ambient artist.

In ambient, transitions are everything, and you certainly nailed those through the head. Music smoothly went from one part to the other showing an excellent taste in blend and transition.

Although the main melodyw as used in a lot of parts, the song never got boring, wiht the background providing a great twist to the melody and the interludes giving enough variety to make the listener interested.

background music was great. The depth of the song something any artist who appreciates good music should be amazed with. Good drumloops too :)

over all, a very well thought out piece with variety, depth and everything else it takes to make a great song...

-Review Request Club-


Good job man. First time i've heard one of your songs but you're going straight on my favourites list ;)

A very good intro. It climaxed very well, with a new instrument coming in to help it and a new melody coming in. that instrument you used at 0:26 was very good adn the melody it played was epic. One thing though, some notes did tend to be either cut off short or overlapping the next note. Although thsi may sopudn good with some other reviews, it din't sound brilliant in this one.

background depth was great too. Although some chords were discordant in some areas, overall bass and background music was awesome, providing a deep and satisfying blend which never got boring.

Varitey was splendid too. The listener will never get bored when listening to this. Good job.

I gave you a nine about the length though. It was too short for my opinion and the isntruments need a change in some parts.

Overall, it was a great piece of music. Well done.

-Review Request Club-

Great job man!

Very good work. This is something you should be proud of.

Intro started the whole thing off great although there could've been more of it as the song simply started off basically imiedetely. maybe you could put in a couple of seconds of slower stuff before it starts off. not a bad job overall.

Main melody was good too. Although there wasn't taht much of a main melody seeing as the melody changed basically throughout the whole thing. i congratualte you for this, variety is somthing that most sogns are sadly lacking in. You seem to excel at it.

In some places, that high pitched guitar like instruments was a bit too quiet for my taste as it got overpowered by the bass and drumloops. Although most of the other instruments came out pretty good. Well done.

Transitions from slow to fast and back again were great. brilliant in fact. The song flowed throughout and didn't skip too quickly, giving the listener time to adjust.

Depth was great too. You had enough layers too be able to provide a varied and well thought out piece which blended in together very well. Good job.

Ending was great too. Liked the way that every instrument just faded out one by one leaving only that guitar thingy on its own. fading away into nothing. Very good job.

Overall. it's a well thought out piece which deserves every high score it gets. Good job.

-Review Request Club-

Bracksta responds:

thanks for the great review :). I had a difficult time choosing which layers to make stand out over the others, there was alot of chances to make errors with so many layers. I wish i would have picked a few different instruments instead of mostly synths.

Not bad. Not bad at all...

I liked the intro very much, the fact that it started off with a lone bassoon made me imagine someone in a light filled forest, surrounded by the majesty of trees. The melody for the bassoon was quite good too and although it was major, which i don't normally like, the way you interpreted it was great.

When the clarinet came in, the whole thing became even better. It was a very good melody for the woodwing instrument which blended in with the bassoon in the background. The way you mixed in minor with major was fantastic too. I'm guessing you used the relative minor of the major yo used for the bassoon right?

Although the melody was good, it needs something else in the background. Maybe a couple of strings or some brass. This is because, although its a good melody as it is, songs like this need depth and this is something in which this song is sadly lacking.

One other thing, are you planning on continuing this? it feels like it go on for so much more. maybe bring in a few more instruments, introduce a new melody and make a few interludes which are fast paced. You could also do with an ending as this simply fades away into nothing.

Anyway, a god job overall, cool name too and i think that if you work on this , you'll come out with a fantastic piece of music.

-Review Request Club-

loansindi responds:

Hey man, great review!

I hadn't written a piece with the bassoon featured, so I figured it was about time. Everyone seems to go right to 'forest' with it, which is cool I guess. Definitely very major.

The clarinet I do enjoy. It's relative minor, yes. (Song's in D if you were wondering.) I really wanted to experiment with the idea of opposing moods, and I think it was pretty successful.

One of the biggest problems I have with composing music like this is that it's tough for me to go beyond just a few instruments. I tend to lose interest before I get very far. I'm working on it though. Every piece I write manages to get a little longer. I think in the end it's going to be about sitting down with a specific length/instrumentation goal in mind.

I've never been good at coming back to projects. I might try to extend this one, as there've been several requests and I think the strings could definitely do some interesting things. Some day I need to play with percussion in an orchestral setting as well. I'll try to make myself sit down and revisit this piece. Introduce a few variations and the like.

Once again, thanks for the review man.

Erik Scerri @Echo

Age 29, Male

Audio Artist

St.Aloysius Sixth Form


Joined on 9/14/09

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