Frankly, i don't really get it...
It does look rushed and u didn't put a lot of work into this. Now, i'm not an expert in how long it takes to make a decent movie but if its the same as audio, u''ll need a lot more of time to make something whihc would pass examination by reviewers.
Graphics, although smooth and well placed, were slightly simple and there wasn't much variety in them. Animation was smooth throughout and ic ant complain but yet again, ti was too simple. IMO, you should've amd the man be reading some newspaper or something instead of just staring off into the middle distance with a dazed expression.
Audio was virtually non existent but when it came, the scream wasn't particularly amazing. I didn't even get a fright as i anticiapted what was gonna happen. If ur gonna makle something like this, Make it more dramatic and interesting so while the user is captivated you can go ahead and scare the soul outta him.
Overall, its not bad, the ending and ideas were rushed and it deserves nothing more then a six really.
=Review Request Club=