Ever since, you started submitting...
...in this competition, u've managed to make me fall in love with every single one of your submissions, and this one is no different.
Intro was instantly great, with a less powerful feel then the main melody, but with enough depth to catch the listener's attention. The transition and build up into the main melody were almost perfect,with only a slight feeling on my part that the build up could've been longer.
The punchy bass drum was what really built up this song though, aided by the magnificent use of bass and slightly glitch melodies. The rest of the drums were brilliant too, coming in in all the right moments to bring this song to the net level. The glitchy melodies were simply fantastic, climaxing, changing tempo, anti climaxing and overall doing nothing but being perfect.
What i particularly liked was the fact that you put enough attention in providing a background through some faint pads and some fantasic Sound FX. Reverb and delays were particularly thought out too, with not too much or too little being added. The originality in the vocals, which were set at perfect times around the song, was simply amazing. Outro was fantastic to, closing off the song perfectly.
In my opinion, this song is overally Amazing and there's really nothing i can find that reduces its score.
Intro/Outro = 1/1
Blend = 2/2
Mel./Transition = 3/3
Drums + Bass = 2/2
Originality = 2/2
P.S. Note that this is your judging review from Round 3 of the NGADM. Once again, its always nice to have new reviews no?